Sunday, September 11, 2016

Bhagavad Gita in Hindi Chapter 12 Part - 21

The Bhagavad Gita or the Gita Saar is widely revered as one of the greatest jewels of spiritual wisdom in the history of humankind. It describes the divine dialogue that took place between the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna and his devotee Arjun on the battle ground.
Controlling mind is difficult but not impossible. There are many difficult things in world which we face daily. We raise children, face the tantrums of spouse and boss, sit for examinations, all these works are difficult but we faced them all. So why do we need to be scared of difficulties that occur on the path of spiritual enlightenment?


  1. Chapter 12 is said to be essence of Gita. Swami ji explains it so beautifully. Anyone can understand its essence.

    1. Agree Swami Mukundananda used impeccable logic and reference to other scriptures in his commentaries on the Bhagavad Giat.

  2. Practice makes perfect !

    With practice three things to be done, the world is not mine, god is the ultimate truth where mind needs to focus. The mind will shift from world to god with practice. In this episode Swamiji brings the greatest example of greatest poet Kalidas and his transformation !

  3. Here Swamiji has nicely explained the importance of practice of attaching our mind to God. Initially it might look impossible to attach because we have so many desires but with constant efforts it will start becoming easy.If we contemplate on this lecture and practice in our daily life, we feel ourselves so different and confident.

  4. Shree Swami mukundananda ji explains that fickle mind can be controlled if we practice to detach our mind from the world and attach to the lotus feet of God. Thanks Swamiji for the clue.

  5. As Shri Krishna mentioned in this verse, mind can be brought under control with repeated practice of attaching it on God. Swamiji gave some practical examples how we control it all the time in the material world, while we are office, doing business or living in a family.

  6. Swamiji has nicely explained the importance of practice of attaching our mind to God. Initially it might look impossible to attach because we have so many desires but with constant efforts it will start becoming easy.If we contemplate on this lecture and practice in our daily life, we feel ourselves so different and confident. Thank you for the post.

