'गोपी गीत' श्रीमदभागवत महापुराण के दसवें स्कंध के रासपंचाध्यायी का ३१ वां अध्याय है । इसमें १९ श्लोक हैं । रास लीला के समय गोपियों को मान हो जाता है । भगवान् उनका मान भंग करने के लिए अंतर्ध्यान हो जाते हैं । उन्हें न पाकर गोपियाँ विरह से व्याकुल हो जाती हैं । वे आर्त्त स्वर में श्रीकृष्ण को पुकारती हैं, यही विरहगान गोपी गीत है ।
Gopi Geet, an epitome of devotion, is from Canto 10 Chapter 31 of Shrimad Bhagavatam. It has 19 Sloks. During Raas Leela, Gopis were beset by pride as they start to feel that the supreme Lord is engrossed in their love and beauty and that no one else is as lucky as them. To break their pride Lord Krishna disappears from the arena. Gopis in the intense pain of separation call Lord Krishna, which is known as the Gopi Geet. Listen to this beautiful narration by Swami Mukundananda.
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